Monday, September 3, 2012

Harvest Monday, 9/3/2012

So it's Labor Day; September has begun, and I can hardly believe summer went by so quickly!

The bugs have really taken over my garden in the last couple of weeks!  Squash bugs are everywhere, and I squished 8 tomato worms on Saturday that had infested the carrot patch!

The tomato harvest was pretty minimal this week.  Even though we had a week of nice hot weather, the green tomatoes don't seem to be ripening as fast as they did in early August.  I did get a few nice big tomatoes and a couple handfuls of cherry tomatoes.
A couple of my zucchini plants finally died, but I've still got a few babies coming on the plants that are left.  This week, though, I thankfully only harvested one full grown zucchini.
I made a beef roast on Saturday and needed some carrots, so I picked about 1/4 of my patch.  Most of them are really beautiful, but I did find several that were buggy.
To see more great harvests, check out Daphne's Dandelions.


  1. I think it's funny that you were glad the zucchini finally died. I think it's always like that--you're glad to have the zucchini, but then you are glad to see them go.

    Those carrots are beautiful.

  2. still a nice looking harvest. Just to let you know, your link on Daphne's took me to one of your posts from may instead of this one.

  3. A nice harvest despite the season slowing! Funny, isn't it, how we progress from the onslaught of summer squash to treasuring having even one...

  4. Very nice harvest, love the zucchini and those carrots.
